Mediation in Resolving Family Law Disputes

When it comes to legal disputes, finding amicable resolutions can often seem like an impossible goal. However, one highly effective tool that has gained prominence is the use of mediation. In this blog post, we'll explain exactly what mediation is, and its role in property settlement, and address the common question of whether having a lawyer present is a necessity.

What is Mediation?

Mediation, at its core, is a process facilitated by a neutral third party known as a mediator. The primary objective is to bring disputing parties together, creating a platform for open and constructive dialogue. This process is conducted “without prejudice”, ensuring that the discussions held during mediation cannot be later referenced in court proceedings. Mediation provides both parties with ample opportunities to articulate their positions, comprehend each other's perspectives, and collaboratively explore potential settlements.

Mediation and Property Settlement

When it comes to property settlement, preparation is pivotal for a successful mediation. Identifying all assets, relevant contributions, and other crucial factors is essential.  A family lawyer can assist you in this preparation. This thorough groundwork sets the stage for meaningful discussions during the mediation process. A mediator, while remaining neutral, can aid in reality-checking and introduce considerations for settlement that might not have been contemplated by the parties involved. The beauty of this approach lies in its potential to resolve matters without resorting to more adversarial options like court proceedings.

Do I Have to Have a Lawyer at a Mediation?

One common query surrounding mediation is whether the presence of a lawyer is mandatory. The unique aspect of mediation, with its neutral mediator, means that having a lawyer at the mediation is not an absolute requirement. In many cases, lawyers play a supportive role by helping clients prepare comprehensively for mediation. However, the absence of lawyers during the mediation itself can be advantageous. It allows both parties to explore resolutions without the constraints that legal representation might impose, fostering an environment where unconventional yet mutually beneficial solutions can be considered.

In summary

In the realm of legal dispute resolution, mediation stands out as a powerful and flexible tool. Its ability to foster open communication, considerate exploration of options, and potential for creative resolutions makes it an attractive alternative to traditional court proceedings. Whether it's navigating child arrangements or settling financial matters, mediation offers a pathway to resolution that prioritizes collaboration over confrontation.

At CE Family Law we recognize the value of mediation and actively support our clients in preparing for this process. We also have a solid network of expectational mediators we refer our clients to. By embracing mediation, individuals embroiled in legal disputes can seize the opportunity to shape their own resolutions and, in some cases, discover solutions beyond the scope of what traditional legal avenues might offer.


If you're considering mediation or have questions about the process, feel free to reach out. We are here to guide you through the complexities and help you explore the potential of mediation in finding a resolution that best suits your unique circumstances.


Author: David Edney, Accredited Specialist in Family Law & Independent Children’s Lawyer

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